Your Trusted, Local Dry Cleaner

Dry Cleaning

We take great pride in providing the highest quality dry cleaning service. This environmentally friendly process utilizes the most innovative and sustainable products and equipment available in the industry. Accompanied by a highly trained staff, our dry cleaning offering is sure to meet your needs. From casual clothes to business suits and formal gowns, we guarantee the highest standards of care.

Wash & Fold Laundry Service

For those customers who lack the time to perform every day, casual laundry at home, look no further. Our wash, dry & fold service relieves you of this monotonous chore and provides the perfect complement to our finished, professional garment care services. This service is charged by the pound, and we provide you a complimentary laundry bag for easy transport to and from our store.


Professional Shirt Care

In addition to our Dry Cleaning service, we offer first-class professional shirt care. Our process begins with an inspection of each shirt to identify stains or collar treatment which may be needed as part of the cleaning process. Shirts are then cleaned and starched (if desired) before going through the pressing process. Once complete, each shirt receives a detailed inspection to ensure a proper finished product.


Leather, Fur, & Suede Cleaning

Leather, suede, and fur garments require special care outside of the normal dry cleaning and laundry process. Let us handle your most cherished specialty garments to ensure they receive the highest quality of care.




Household Cleaning (Bedding, Linens, Drapes & Curtains)

As part of our Dry Cleaning offering, we specialize in cleaning and pressing household items. From blankets, comforters, and sheets to tablecloths and napkins to curtains, drapes, and couch covers, we can serve your needs for any and all household items.



Wedding Dress Cleaning & Preservation

There are few possessions more valuable to a bride than her wedding dress. We take great pride in our wedding dress cleaning and preservation process to ensure the protection of their heirloom for generations to come.




3 Convenient Locations!

New Location! Staunton: 729 Richmond Rd. Suite D

M-F: 8:00-5:30
Sat: 8-12
Call: 540-416-4857

Staunton: 1007 N. Augusta Street

M-F: 8:00-5:30

Sat: 8-12
Call: 540-886-2795

Lexington: 534 E. Nelson Street

M-F 8:00-5:30

Sat: 9-1
Call: 540-464-6900

A Local Legacy

I’ve lived a lot of places in the US and overseas but University Cleaners is simply the best I’ve ever experienced, and by a considerable margin. In particular the quality of the shirt laundry is exceptional – the starch is perfect. My family has been in the dry cleaning and laundry business since 1932 in Westerville, OH and I worked there as a kid so I do know what good is supposed to look like. These guys nail it!”

-Victor M.

In the 2023-2024 Academic Year….94% of Students Were Satisfied to Extremely Satisfied with our Laundry Services

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